It would require multiple pages to describe all the ways Volunteers of America helps America's most vulnerable. From their veteran reintegration program to their addiction treatment services, there are no aspects of "need" that VOA does not provide a level of service.

As we continue to put spotlight on the charities around the city that are going above and beyond for their neighbors, we are proud to have the opportunity to partner with VOA as they provide new furniture to families affected the most by Hurricane Harvey. Many of us were lucky to sustain minimal or no damage due to the storm, but for some less fortunate people everyday is a struggle as they begin to put the pieces back together. Thanks to the generous donations by FurnishAID and the organized effort by VOA, many families can return to the simple comforts of having a clean bed to sleep on, or a sturdy table to sit around and enjoy a meal with family.

We are truly blessed for all the work they've done for the city, and we were thrilled at the opportunity to join in their efforts. Every family who received furniture through VOA also received a complimentary bag of fresh roasted coffee compliments of our partners at Tiger Orchid Coffee.
You can find out how you can contribute to VOA by going to their website at http://www.voatx.org/houston
If you would like more information about Tiger Orchid Coffee you can find them at https://www.tigerorchidcoffee.com/